Listen, Feel, Move
Now coming to Cambridge on occasional Wednesday evenings
Now coming to Cambridge on occasional Wednesday evenings
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the music told you what to do?
As tango dancers we are heirs to a vast and rich heritage of music designed especially for our pleasure. The different orchestras play in different styles that evoke different feelings and inspire different kinds of movements – not just different shapes, but different movement qualities. To enter this aspect of dance we have to listen deeply to the music. That’s what these workshops are for: to help us listen to the music, to feel its qualities. Each workshop will complete the cycle of listening, feeling and moving to one of the great tango orchestras.
We aim to cover as many of the main orchestras as we can. So far we’ve had:
- Juan D’Arienzo, El rey del compás – The king of the beat. (5th March 2014)
- Miguel Caló, elegance, romance, and clear phrasing (9th April)
- Osvaldo Pugliese – passion and integrity (May 14th)
- Carlos Di Sarli – la cadencia: music and silence (May 28th)
- Troilo – contrast and sophistication (Oct 1st)
- Fresedo – delicacy and class (Oct 22nd)
Future dates:
- Nov 5th – Biagi – the art of unpredictability (NB later start time of 8:15pm because of the fireworks)
Practicalities and Bookings
The classes will run on Wednesdays evenings about once a month. Each class will start at 7:30pm and run for about 90 minutes and there’ll be dancing time afterwards.
Cost: £15 / £10 (concessions).
The programme in Cambridge is being coordinated by Derek Smith. The classes will take place in a private studio and places are limited. You will need to book. We will be moving both individually and in couples so will try to balance numbers. Please contact Derek on the form below.