Juan D’Arienzo on Radio Gouda

In summer 2019, I returned to the studios of Radio Gouda to chat with Oliver Kruse-Dougherty, this time about Juan D’Arienzo and my new book about his life and work.

Part One looks at the beginning of the D’Arienzo phenomenon and the key elements in his sound – most notably, Rodolfo Biagi.

In Part Two, we heard how D’Arienzo reacted in March 1940 when he lost his entire orchestra.

Rock and roll! Part Three looks at how D’Arienzo regenerated himself in 1950, returning to his roots.

Carlos Di Sarli on Radio Gouda (Part 3/3)

Part 3 of my interview with Oliver Kruse-Dougherty about Carlos Di Sarli and my new book. This segment focusses on the orchestra in the 1950s, especially the early 50s recordings on Music Hall, which are often neglected in favour of the brighter ones from the late 50s on RCA-Victor.

As a case in point, the broadcast opens with the 1952 recording of “Cara sucia” – much more muscular than Di Sarli’s better known 1957 version.

Carlos Di Sarli on Radio Gouda

On 16th June, Oliver Kruse-Dougherty invited me into the studio for a wide ranging, three hour interview about Carlos Di Sarli and my new book. Here is the first part. We focus musically on the sextet, but there is a lot of interesting material in the early part of the interview about Di Sarli’s place in the tango pantheon, and the reasons for writing about Troilo and Pugliese before Di Sarli and D’Arienzo – musically speaking, a strange choice.

“Histoires de tango” in La Salida

La Salida no100Histoires de tango : secrets d’une musique has received an extensive and complementary review in the centenary issue of La Salida, the French tango magazine (La Salida No.100, pp76-78)

Extraordinairement vif et documenté, dans un style qui assume tout l’enthousiasme et les emportements [d’auteur]. Un vrai beau livre de tango

Extraordinarily lively and documented, in a style that takes on all [the author’s] enthusiasm and passion. A really beautiful tango book.

Fería del Libro, April 2015

Historías de tango: la música nos lleva was recently presented at Buenos Aires’s Feria del Libro, one of the largest book fairs in the world. This presentation was made possible by the Argentine Tango Society (ATS), who also sponsored the translation. As I was unable to attend, the book was presented by the poet Bebe Ponti and Ricardo García Blaya, the man behind the website todotango, who was also presenting his new work “Tango Argentino: Memoria y Testimonio”.
Feria del Libro 2016We were fortunate to have the presence of the wonderful dancers and teachers Gustavo Benzecry Saba & María Olivera, who danced for a delighted audience.
 Gustavo Benzecry Saba & María OliveraI’m very grateful to the ATS for supporting my work and making this evening possible.

Contame una historia (Tell me a story)

A new review of Historias de tango in the Argentine print magazine Revista Veintitrés.

‘Historias de tango – La música nos lleva’ es el intenso y completo resultado de años de escucha, análisis y suelos de milongas gastados: un recorte personal sobre las orquestas y grupos que forjaron, enriquecieron y revolucionaron el género haciendo foco en el tango danza durante la época de oro que atravesó la década del ’40.

‘Historias de tango – La música nos lleva’ is the intense and complete result of years of listening, analysis and worn-out milonga floors: a personal review of orchestras and groups which forged, enriched and revolutionised the genre, focussing on tango as a dance during the golden age that spanned the 40s.

– Nicolás Russo, Revista 23

See the full review below. The opening quote in the review – You have who lips, tell me a story… a beautiful mess which invites one to dream – come from the tango Contame una historia of Eladia Blazquez.
review in Revista Veintitrés (small)