
Michael Lavocah on CN23, 17-04-2015

Michael Lavocah on CN23, 17-04-2015

I was asked to come on the Argentine news channel CN23 to talk about the book and my opinions on tango. These guys joked around a lot, but they knew their stuff and asked good questions – what was the first tango that really grabbed me (‘Toda mi vida’ of Troilo / Fiorentino), what did I think about Electrotango (grabs the interest at first, but the rhythm can become monotonous), what was my favourite tango (very difficult – I surprised myself by choosing ‘Sur’). We had a lot of fun – I even danced with co-presenter Vicky Márquez, who had never danced tango before! I can tell you – ella se deja llevar.
CN23 - Michael Lavocah & Vicky Marquez