German 2nd edition / Deutsch 2.Auflage

Tang-o-Geschichten 2.Auflage 478x740
The 2nd edition of the German text is also ready!
Die 2. Auflage des deutschen Textes ist auch bereit!

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Review of “Tango-Geschichten” in Tangodanza

Tangodanza 2014 issue 1Tangodanza magazine published this review of TangoGeschichten (1st edition) in the first issue of 2014.

Michael Lavocah hat ein neues Genre der Tangoliteratur erfunden. Das Buch ist kein Katechismus, wie manchmal geraunt wird, aber ein hervorragendes Handbuch für Tango-Interessierte, mit dem man sich lange beschäftigen kann.

Michael Lavocah has invented a new genre of tango literature. The book is not a catechism, as is sometimes murmured mysteriously, but an excellent guide for those interested in tango which can engage your attention for a long time.

Read the full review

Tangodanza 2014-01 review

Review courtesy of Tangodanza magazine – reproduced by permission.

German edition now listed on the VLB

The German edition of the book is now listed on the Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher (VLB), which is the German register of books in print. This means it can be ordered from any bookshop in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The retail price is € 25 / CHF 30.80.
You can see the listing by going to and searching for it. Buchhandel is the retail arm of MBV, the organisation which administers the VLB – there’s no equivalent in England, where the company that administers the Book database (Neilsen) is wholly separate.
Unfortunately, Buchhandel does not let me link directly to the listing, but here is the correct search phrase. Buchhandel can direct you to your nearest local bookshop from your post code (Postleitzahl).